Women Who Run With Horses Saturday, April 30th & Sunday, May 1, 2011 To truly be yourself is the one of the greatest gifts you can give to others! Better understand your authentic self, through awareness and interaction with the horses during our two-day Spring Workshop: You will learn…. To honor your strengths and vulnerabilities […]
Well Horse People, that’s it–you did it! Congratulations on the completion of Horse Course – Level 2, your investment into Horse Education and learning more about keeping your horses safe, healthy and happy. This past Tuesday night, April 12 at Stewart’s we focused on how to Build Right/Buy Right–the ins and outs of buying equipment […]
Hi there Horse People: Just a quick reminder about tonight’s program for Tuesday, April 12. Tonight’s workshops is Equine Fencing; Structures and Equipment (new and used). Horse Course Level 2 will take place at Stewart’s Equipment. The workshop starts at 7:00 p.m. sharp! This is the final night of a series of four classes and […]
Hey Horse Lovers! To all of you who attended our horse course last night, Nutrition: They are what they eat–the Equine Erin seminar on nutrition and supplements, I am sure you, like me, are giving your forage (your hay) a second glance this morning! Alf Budweth (not Budson, that’s his company) shared a wealth of […]
Women Who Run With Horses-Saturday, April 30th & Sunday, May 1, 2011 To truly be yourself is the one of the greatest gifts you can give to others! Better understand your authentic self, through awareness and interaction with the horses during our two-day Spring Workshop: You will learn…. To honor your strengths and vulnerabilities Connect […]